Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quarterly Top Five

It's amazing how quickly kids grow and change. When I went through my pictures to pick five, I couldn't believe the difference in Brendan just from April. And here they top five favorite pictures from April, May and June for the Click It Up A Notch Quarterly Top Five.

I miss the sweet curls.


  1. Such sweet curls!! I know I thought the same thing while looking through mine. In April my son was just learning to, he is running. It seems like forever, but when you think 3 months is not that long ago.

    The goat photo made me LAUGH!! Love it.

    Thanks for linking up with us.

  2. Aww.. I love the curls.. My little girl has curls and I can't wait for them to grow longer so that I can tie up her hair.

  3. I love that first photo and the one at the park. Adorable photos. I love his curls. Adorable!

  4. The curls are adorable! Such a sweetie.

  5. He is just a doll!! I love those eyes and those curls!! Too cute! That last one is my fav!! Love the colors and the sky and him on his tippy toes trying to see something. I hope you frame that one :O) Thanks for linking up!

  6. Oh, he is so sweet, Erin.

    Have you cut his curls off? That would be very sad:(
