Saturday, February 5, 2011

Joy of Love: Day 5

I hate that he puts everything in his mouth.

I hate that his job means fancy dinners, and no babysitter means he goes without me.

And I hate that he refuses to crack the ice cube trays, although it does make me laugh. He'll drink his drink with two ice cubes rather than crack the trays.


  1. Aww... that stinks that you don't get to join him :( I feel ya though. We typically don't have babysitters either, which means work events are solo!

  2. Boy, this one is full of hate! lol. Sorry that you don't get to attend fancy dinners. Been there, done that....not the fancy dinners thing but being left out b/c of raising kids. Its worth it though!

    Babies putting EVERYTHING they can get their hands on in their mouths is just a part of being a baby. Hang in there & just disinfect like crazy.

    Icecubes....yep...understand that one.
    Love you girl!
