Saturday, April 9, 2011

Didn't Take Us Long

I eat junk when my other half isn't around. Sometimes we eat it when he is around, but a lot of the time he discourages it. Well, his plane hadn't even left the ground today before Brendan and I found ourselves at Popeye's.

I tell myself that it's better to go ahead and eat at Popeye's before we go to the commissary. I justify my choice of Popeye's over Subway with the fact that Brendan can tear up their chicken. But's because I love their popcorn shrimp.


  1. Haha! This is me - eating MUCH worse when my husband is out of town:) I hope you and Brendan find many more fun things to do to occupy yourselves while he's away.

    And that's true about the basket swings - I imagine the age Brendan is at is perhaps the worst for a contraption like that - too old to just lay there, but too young to climb down by himself.
